
IRISS Reaches for the Sky with UK Automotive Manufacturer to Improve Preventative Maintenance Strategy

January 23, 2024

In this article:

One of our clients recently suffered an arc flash incident on a transformer, which resulted in the cable connection door dislodged by the significant pressure generated during the incident.

by David Smith, European Business Development Manager


One of our clients, a UK automotive manufacturer with a long and storied history,
recently suffered an arc flash incident on a transformer, which resulted in the
cable connection door dislodged by the significant pressure generated during the
incident. Fortunately, no one was killed or injured, but it was a wakeup call that
highlighted the need for a full and cohesive preventative maintenance strategy
and safety review.

With increasing demands placed on production by growing global sales, downtime is
a costly luxury that players in the automotive industry simply cannot afford.

After evaluating the most appropriate technologies available, it was decided to use a
two-stage approach using partial discharge monitoring (ultrasound) and infrared
thermal imaging. Due to the size and complexity of the site, it was decided that the
most vulnerable components were the 11 kV substations around the facility. After
evaluating possible solutions available, IRISS IR windows and PD (ultrasound) ports
were selected because they offered:

  • Rugged reliability ideal for a 24/7 automotive manufacturing environment.
  • Solutions that were ideal for the switch connections and the incoming cable
    crutch, as these two areas had been identified as the most vulnerable within the
  • Technical superiority against other available solutions, as the client had previously
    suffered lens failures on competitor’s products due to vibration & water ingress.
  • Lifetime warranty on IRISS reinforced polymer IR windows means the lowest
    possible ongoing maintenance cost.
  • Class-leading ROI.
  • Enhanced inspection process safety.

To ensure optimal safety for their personnel, the client opted for the installation
and training service that only IRISS can offer as an approved safe contractor and
approved infrared thermography training provider.

The installation service was completed outside of manufacturing hours during a
Christmas shutdown further demonstrating the IRISS commitment to outstanding
customer care.

Remembering the first rule of business is not the maximization of profit but the
prevention of loss, the client now has implemented a solution that allows his
personnel to safely and efficiently perform routine inspections on their critical
electrical infrastructure.

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